Authentic & Deliberate Leadership: The West Point Way

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Dr. Prince points out that this course is about changing the entire organization. That happens sequentially: first by understanding human interactions, then about effectively leading one on one, how groups of individuals function most effectively as teams, and how a series of teams ethically led create a healthy internal organizational culture whose services and reputation are worthy of community trust. 

This course is not intended to be theoretical; it is designed to be deliberately applied in the real world with real people using contemporary challenges in need of creative solutions. The foundation of the course is about understanding human behavior, including your own, and learning to lead people more effectively in a dynamic environment. 

General Howard Prince and Dr. Mitch Javidi met with Chief Larry Hesser, Dr. Mike Alexander, Stay Lenz of WI DOJ, and Jim Franklin of the MN Sheriffs Association at the BJA School, UT Austin at July 16, 2019 (2-5 p.m.) to seek their input and support for developing this version of the course since they have been teaching the original content in their agency with support from General Prince.

You are about to embark on an advanced educational journey. The Leader Development Framework (see figure below) provides the overarching perspective of course design. While it may seem complex, this framework suggests all levels of leadership addressed in the course, all grounded by common values, attributes and actions (Leading Individuals, Leading Teams, and Leading Organizations). The course further represents how our organizations interact with the environment which is culturally diverse, Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous, VUCA (Leading Organizations to Influence the Environment). This framework is referred to as the Model of Organizational Leadership (MOL). The Model is a conceptual framework that allows us to understand the complexity of the leadership process in formal organizations. Everything is interrelated.  It gives us a look at organizations as living systems. There are four systems, or levels, for us to analyze and understand: individual, group, leadership and organizational.  Dissecting these levels (the individual, group, and leadership systems) helps us understand the face-to-face influence processes. Understanding the remaining level of analysis, the organizational system, enables us to have a working grasp of the impact of the larger organization as well as the external environment. By examining these four interdependent systems, we can often see patterns and relationships that a more restricted analysis of the situation might miss.  Together, with the Leader Thought Process, the MOL allows us to look at a situation from a variety of perspectives. By expanding the focus of the analysis of a situation according to sub-systems, we develop more efficient and especially effective leadership style.
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